PublishEx Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd Reviews & Complaints
By: Nighat sultana
Contact information:
PublishEx Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd Karachi
The company name PublishEx Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd, is automatically deductoed 20 rupees daily and later some days this company deducted an amount of Rs.200/- and some time 300 amounts deducted from my easypaisa account I dont know how this happen with my account.
This is my humble request with you that please register my complaint against Said company and please please disconnect my easypaisa account with this company I am not able to pay this amount daily or any situation please resolve this issue.
Your customer
Name : Nighat sultana
Easypaisa account No.03171165879
Email : [email protected]
How to file a complaint against PublishEx Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd?
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* Write PublishEx Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd in company name section and write your complaint in detail
* Enter your personal information (email will not be published)
* Get refund / replacement / damages from PublishEx Solutions (Pvt.) Ltd.