MCB Islamic Thandi Sadak Branch Hyderabad / Very lazy and unsatisfactory customer service. I went to the branch on 9th Feb still account is not opened

MCB Islamic Thandi Sadak Branch Hyderabad Reviews & Complaints

By: Masood Ahmed

Contact information:
MCB Islamic Thandi Sadak Branch Hyderabad Hyderabad

Dear Sir or Madam,
I went on 9th Feb 2023 to open my account in MCB Islamic Thandi Sadak Hyderabad. Nobody was on seat, watchman told me to sit and wait as staff is on lunch after 30 minutes one employee came and sit infront of me and told me to wait the concerned person is taking his lunch so he is just coming in few minutes. Than he asked me few questions and told me to come tomorrow. I went back to my home. again I went and luckily met concerned person again offcourse after waiting some time. He searched for some form for 15 to 20 minutes than some one said him to we have forms in urdu you can take those forms than he replied i dont know how to write in urdu so again 2nd person told him you may write in English even the fields are in urdu. But again luckily finally he got English forms after filling forms and getting my signature he took me to some other person for biometric but that gentleman told there is some error so he asked 1st person again to get wireless biometric device. When he comes with device it was not working as it was not charged than he pluged in for charging after few minutes again he took my thumb impression but it failed again. Than both gentlemen told me that bank did not paid the dues of NADRA so they disconnected their connection so now I have to leave but they said they will come with this wireless device at my workplace and took my biometric as my account can be open. After 1 week someone called me from bank and asked me about my availability than he said he’ll come for biometric but unfortunately he did not appeared there till my off time not only this today its 23 so almost after 3 weeks I did not got luck to avail chance of opening my account even he took Rs.1000 as opening balance from me. Now I dont know what to do so I am launching complain here.

Proof: When you contact the bank they have my complete filled form but without any opening account due to to failed biometric logs.


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